Powerlifting is a demanding sport, both physically and mentally. In order to ensure you’re fully prepared for these demands, it’s vital that you understand as much about your equipment as possible. There are many different kinds of powerlifting gear and accessories that can make your movements — from deadlifts to bench presses — more powerful and safer; approximately 65% of injuries come from overuse, so remember that you won’t be able to do much of anything if you hurt yourself during a workout.

Weight lifting belts are heavily relied on to support your abdominal wall and stabilize your spine during lifts. Here are a few tips that will help you find the best weight lifting belt for you.

  • Width: Weight lifting belts work by giving your abdominal muscles something to brace against, thereby stabilizing your back. This is why belts that are wider in the back are absolutely useless in practice. Good weight lifting belts are equally wide all around; for most people, the maximum width that sits comfortably between their ribs and hipbone is 10 cm.
  • Thickness: Your belt should be firm and stiff enough that it stays in place during your exercises. The thickest and most durable Titan belts are 13 mm thick, creating a strong wall for your abs to press against.
  • Prongs or Levers? Weight lifting belts are secured in three ways: single prong, double prong, and levers. Double prongs generally require an extra step during your heavy attempts, and can be a real hassle when you’re trying to pull it tight. Single prong and lever weight lifting belts are the more practical option.
  • Material: As a thick and sturdy material, leather is ideal for weight training belts. Top grain leather is the best choice (as opposed to suede) as the fibers are closer together and create a more durable final piece.

When you have the proper tools, any job gets easier and enables you to do more. Whether you favor prong or lever weight lifting belts, having that crucial support for your spine will allow you to push yourself harder and lift heavier weights without risking your physical health and safety.